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bobby swift


Born and raised in Newport Beach, California the ocean has always been a major part of my life. From surfing and fishing from a young age, to skim boarding in front of our house, not to mention our family business being a dock and pier building company. So I have spent the majority of my life on or around the water. As I got older though, my focus strayed. I found new interests in cars, from old low-riders to off-road race cars. One thing that has never changed is my interest in food. As a little kid I always loved to watch my mom make dinner and help my dad barbecue. Now I’m 24 and I have adapted my own style of both. One of my favorite things is to prepare a meal out of the fish that I have caught or meat that we have harvested, for my friends and I. One of my favorite shows is Parks and Recreations, because I can relate to almost every character. Some days I’m Ron Swanson and have words of wisdom. Other days I’m Andy Dwyer, the oblivious goof ball. Everyday brings new stories that my friends always get a kick out of because that’s just my life!


Don’t get me wrong, things have not gone easy or smooth one bit. I have almost always struggled with anxiety and depression. I’ve had issues with drugs and alcohol. And I’ve had problems with the law. But for now I’m on a good path and I want to see where it will take me. I recently started commercial fishing with two of my best buds, who push me to keep my mind and body healthy. Whether that means surfing and starting our work day a little later or waking up at the crack of dawn and working our butts off all day.  I wouldn’t be where I am now without the people around me and I hope my experiences may help someone else.

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